Monday, September 20, 2010


We have been working in the garden for the past few days on a number of things with the digger and wheel barrows. The first day of gardening with the 3 of us (James, Sylvia, and myself) began early on Friday morning when a dump truck brought what appeared to be a small forrest of mulch to the front garden close to a little alcove of trees. The rest of the afternoon was spent loading the wheel barrows with the digger and dispersing it around the alcove which was about 25 -30 feet in circumference. Perhaps more judging by how many steps it took me to cross it and how small my steps are. The work was not too hard, just tiring. It is not nearly as tiring and doing any sort of gardening in the south with the blistering heat and humidity. Here it was a pleasant 18 or so with a nice breeze so it was chilly if you stood still but very good to work in.

By the end of the day my arms were dragging from loading, dumping, spreading, and loading again. What was worse was that we didn't even get to go out and do anything fun that night at all not that we had the energy to do so in any case. I think it was harder on Sylvia than on me. The next day included more spreading but not as much since we had the added help of James 2 kids (really just one since the other, Tom, is lazy) and Jacob a strong young welch man. The next two days were fairly the same. We repotted Nicko Palms into larger containers which was much lighter work for us girls overall. The only downside is the massive amount of bites i acquired from sand fly and a few cuts from the plastic bags used for the plants. The huge plants where then put in the alcove since it is protected from the wind but still gets good light and there is no grass thanks to our mulching efforts. The first day of that we did 32 and the second day we did 45. Each one of these plants when done weigh more than my pack which is 60lbs and poor Jacob had to move them.By the end of that second day though my arms are burring all over from shoveling and packing topsoil into their bags and my back and thighs burn from the exertion as well. No wonder James is so blasted skinny.

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