Wednesday, September 15, 2010

About James

Boat ride

James it the owner of the River House and of his own concrete business. I don't believe I ever saw a man not sit still for so long. He is always bouncing around doing this and doing that, loosing stuff, and is the most frustrating controlling scatterbrain I think I have ever spent so much time around. A perfectionist and manager to the T who is not always good at delegating. My main irritation is when he sakes for your opinion or for you to do something your way and then argue and correct you the whole time you do it.
On the other hand he looks out for his mates, neighbors, and the environment. He loves music,photography , and the arts so his house is filled with light and a few nice pieces of work. He also seems to take time for his kids who live with his ex-partner across the river. I have found in NZ that people do not refer to spouse as 'my husband' or ''my wife' but as a 'partner' which I find curious. He loves being outside and working in the garden and is mad as a cut snake. just saying.

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