Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wellington, New Zealand

The great debate today is Auckland or Wellington. North or South. Far but in the direction I need to probably go or close and more of a fun than business trip. Wellington it is. So after my informational quest to McDonalds (there has to be an app or something that tells me where to go to find them) I found out there was a 4:50 ride to Wellington. Steven was again more than a kind host, taking me to the bus stop and dropping me off. The bus ride wasn't as much fun as the previous as it was filled to the brim including a upset toddler and a rather particular woman that looked like Angela Landsburry plus it was dark so the landscape was nearly invisible.


The mountains of Wellington were covered in houses and their lights were thrown against the waves beating against the rocks below. You could not see the stars for the clouds but New Zealand has another name: Aotearoa which means: "Land of the long white cloud"

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