Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Place in Palmy

Today I left hopefully my last hostel for a while. I grow weary of living out of my pack. It will be nice to have a kitchen to cook from and a good place to hang my clothes after the wash. Oh and my own room again. I've been bunking with other girls since the dorms are cheaper than solitary. I moved into this nice little house with a cute garden and have already decked out my room as best as I could with the whole 2 personal items I brought. 
This man on a bike delivers papers. Quaint! 
Worked on figuring out the bus system today which has a learning curve but I'm getting the hang of it for the most part. Still have to run to the other side of the street on occasion. My roommates are quite and for the most part leave me alone which is perfect for me. I'll chat with you later but not too much. I like my alone time after a long day too.

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