Sunday, September 12, 2010

Oh I love to travel

This is a man riding a horse in the town. Not really uncommon come to find out.
The side of the road is filled with these awesome little streams and waterfalls
A old school double decker bus. Cool.
Lake Talpo. The city of Talpo is the farthest away from the ocean you can be in NZ at 3 hours. But then they also have the largest lake to compensate complete with sail boats.
One day here another there, ooh that street looks interesting, that place looks fun. Wherever I want to go whenever I want to go. A wonderful type of freedom. Only a type tho.

Today I am back in Auckland for a few days. Traveled up from Wellington via 10 hour bus ride. Saw the lake and volcanos again, along with a few other oddities.

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