Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fielding and Palmerston North

So today is my last day in Fielding just outside of Palmy North or Palmy I guess. That's how Steven says the locals call it. Steven is my CouchSurfing host that I ended up crashing with since there wern't really any affordable hotels ect in the immediate area of my interview. A super nice guy I crashed with him and his mom for a couple of nights. I made sure to cook them dinner at least once and it was great to have someone to talk to that had surfed before. He showed me around town and took me to most of the places you see in my pictures. Great guy.
Steven, my first friend in New Zealand and couch surfing host. Keep being awesome Steve!

I walked down to the town today to McDonalds to connect to the outside world. That's one thing about New Zealand, internet is scarce and expensive when found. To me it's the new oil, clear gold. Of course as soon as I connected I was bombarded with hellos and how are you's which of course made me feel missed and loved. Thank you all. It's funny thou that I travel pretty much to the other side of the planet and still go to McDonalds. I suppose it's because it's cheap and the only thing that really tastes close to home. Except they don't have biscuits. Biscuits here are cookies, they don't really have an equivalent to what we in the south call Biscuits or if they do I can't find it. Perhaps when I settle down some where I'll be able to find some at the grocery store since half my diet is biscuit based.

It's one of those crazy days where you wonder what is really going on. How in the world did i end up sitting in Fielding, New Zealand with the shadow of Mt. Doom creeping in thru the window whilst I was making balloon animals on a Thursday afternoon in a strangers house listening to Rodrigo y Gabriella?

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