Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The River House

View from the back deck
Living room in morning light
View from my bed is the river
End of the second full day at the river house and not much to tell. The house itself is beautiful, filled with good north light all day since most of the north walls are huge sliding glass doors. When I find a proper Internet connection I'll post some pictures. Im here mostly because
It's a free place to stay, food and all, in exchange for house cleaning, cooking and gardening. The first two are not bad at all but the gardening is a little ruff. The temp is perfect for it, 65 and sunny with a nice wind but the plants are something else. This subtropic climate has the weirdest things so I go very slow. I can just see myself being sent home from some crazy bug bite. Also, little fun fact, when they say ' lookout for worms ' they don't mean worms at all. They mean snakes. The birds here make strange humming noises too so when I'm bent over in some enormous plant that looks like it should be on ' Jurassic park' I'm a little less than amused with the local wildlife.