Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Le scooter i bought in october

So friends, by now most of you know that I have a scooter for getting around town. I bought the blue one back in october, painted it up a bit and gave it some love. New tyres, basket and a new battery later it's doing heaps of good. It still looks a bit crummy and this past weekend I ran accross a deal I couldn't pass up. See while my blue scooter runs it smokes. It has a busted headlight and the basket is from a bicycle. The nose is cracked and the electric start is sporadic at best. So I upgraded to the below:


Vmoto Milan
Behold le New Scoot!

evan 'helping'
The new scoot is much lighter which at first made me feel less stable but now I'm used to it. It turns a good deal sharper which is nice for getting around things since it's longer also. Maneuverability is nice. 

Also the keys are in a different position which is good so they don't fall out (this one time on the blue scoot in traffic, it doesn't turn off automatically but then you drive for a mile looking for your keys in the road) and it has a lock box. Sadly all the locks are broken (an issue with this model apparently) and I just took the one out of the back box entirely and use it the same way I used my basket. I'll probably try to get it fixed in the next few weeks. The under the seat lock was jammed and I had to take the whole back end apart to fix it. Eventually it wound up at the mechanic (who was kind enough not to charge) to fix that issue. I baked him some brownies as a thank you.

I have to check the pressure on the break fluid this week for my rear break (which I pretty much only use to turn anyhow) as it doesn't have enough strength to use the electric start. Right now I'm trying to hold the right hand break while reve the engine with the right hand while holding down the ignition switch with (you guessed it) the right hand.

Went and got insurance for this baby today too. Stupid cheap. About equal to what I spend on gas so that's not too bad. The gas tank on this one is also about half the size so I have to fill up every week instead of every other week but that's not a big deal. Ah well! all for now!

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