Friday, March 23, 2012

Meanwhile, At Work

Meanwhile, at Loudhailer the week is winding down. The long, long week. Wind has been ripping thru town for the entire week making it impossible to get any sleep. I know that may sound wild but when the wind is opening your doors for you it makes everything uneasy. In any case we are stocked up at work with Dr Pepper and Cocaine to get us by till 5pm.

Everyone says the cocaine tastes aweful. Apparently Dara bought it back oh say , 3 years ago. That's how often we clean the fridge.

In related news we've been doing a lot of draining creative work coming up with brand names and illustrations for multiple clients. Mentally exhausting doesn't begin to cover it. But it is a lot of fun. At 15 I could be found in the art room of the high school doodling on the white board in chuck ts and a t shirt. Ten years later I'm doodling on a white board in the same chuck t's and a star trek tshirt in New Zealand and getting paid to do it. Funny how some things work out.

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