Thursday, March 1, 2012

New Rig

Well back in 2005 I saved up all summer and bought my first mac. Well incidentally the first computer I ever bought myself. It was a little white case macbook that had just enough juice in it to get me thru college because macs are kind of pricy but darn good at what they do. After years of abuse riding on bicycles, being slammed into unpadded book bags and left to overheat on my bed; my logic board in the macbook is failing. While it continues to chug on, it will no longer charge or run off of battery power which makes it next to useless as a lap top. Also with the increasing size of my working files, 350GB just isn't cutting it anymore. 

In anticipation of it's imminent demise I have purchased a new rig which is an older, used mac mini complete with cd drive (the newer ones don't have that) and a tv for my monitor. I already had a wireless mouse and I bought a blue tooth keyboard (this is a wired in the pic until the new one comes in the mail). At 500 gb and the same intel processor my old macbook has it's not anything super flash or exciting to a geek but to me it'll do just fine. I was able to purchase this exciting rig which I have dubbed 'short round' for my christmas holiday pay that I forgot I signed up for at exactly $802.  A few more flash cables and some accessories later and I'm closer to $900 for a total rig. :)


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