Monday, September 27, 2010

Apartment hunting

I really don't like apartment hunting on a deadline and apartment hunting isn't much fun anyhow. House hunting is fun because all the info, pricing, virtual tours, ect are online and you can browse it a dozen different ways. Apartment hunting is a complete mess of websites with broken links filled with useless information and letting fees. In any case, I have managed to find 3 plus one absolute backup if all fails. Apt 1 is out of town central but close to the bus stop, wont require a huge down payment ( I think) and is some older Christian girls. Hope to talk to them tonight. Apt2&3 are in city central (walk to work) but require larger down payments, letting fees and seem ok. I'll see those tomorrow am and hopefully can make a decision before then. I would love to not do another international money transfer but will make plans to do so anyhow. Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

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