Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ug shopping

POO-Soft touch. Some jokes you just don't out grow
Today was learning the bus stop, trying to find my way around town in general, setting up PO boxes, ect. Very busy, kind of dull. I managed to find a few things like the "Family Store" and "the Warehouse" which is kind of like their version of walmart but like everything else here shopping wise for the home it is grossly overpriced and poorly organized. Disappointing. I would really love to have access to an IKEA store but they are not putting one in NZ under the guise that it would be so popular that it would cause major traffic problems. After looking around these past few weeks I would have to agree since the furniture and anything else for your home selection here is HORRIBLE and very overpriced. Of course I have now joined the petition to get IKEA in Auckland. Most people believe, and I agree with them, that the real reason there isn't IKEA is that it would destroy all it's competitors. Would it not cut down on traffic to have one larger store instead of driving around town twice to 5 little stores to accomplish the same task? ah well, I will make do. It is not the end of the world.

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