Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Landscape by the sea

New Zealand is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. The images that we see in photographs are no more filling or realistic than a reflection in a mirror and show only half truths. The grass here is long and lush and when the sun hits it thru a break in the clouds it becomes the most vivid , shimmering shade of green one can possibly imagine. The hills are covered in it and they seem to just roll on and on into the distant horizon. The grass makes them seem just like the ocean with waves by the wind as the grass-sea ripples in the sun. The wind is strong here, almost constant from some ocean side but it never smells of the sea or fish; only of the grass.
The hills roll right to the edge of the water which ebbs out in the morning and evening with the tides. Little gulls hunt for crabs and sea creatures in the morning and the water is so low to your feet when you stand in the sea it looks like you are standing on sheet of glass for ages in an direction. In the afternoon the sea comes back and the glass is gone and the rocks are smaller and the gulls have flown. It's cold, bitter cold and clear as the morning dew. It's always quite, still, even at midday as it was in the morning. enchanting an empty like a memory too full to hold one more thought or think one more idea.

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