Saturday, September 25, 2010

Leaving paihia

Steam boat on the river
Today I am leaving paihia for Auckland as well as leaving my traveling buddy sylvia. Woke up not much earlier than usual since I have a late bus today. Normally I catch the 8am but I didn't want to be rushed today. Since the 10am was booked I'm catching the 1pm which should deliver me to Auckland some time close to 4:30 or 5. To kill time I've been walking around the town discovering hidy-holes and such. One thing I like about this sleepy little town on the bay is how dog friendly it is. People take their dogs everywhere even to work and the beach. Right now I'm camped out in the sun down by the wharf watching some strangely shaped bird dive in and out of the water looking for fish.
It's going to be a nice day

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