Monday, September 13, 2010

Leaving Auckland

Last day in Auckland for a bit or at least two weeks. For some reason i thought there was more time left in September but apparently not. Seems I'll only be staying in North Land about two weeks. That works out ok for me though. Enough time to refresh myself on a few things and rest up a bit. Went down to the KiwiPost today and my mail box and tax information will be there waiting for me when I get down there the first of October. Perfect timing actually, just enough time to get everything set up.

The KiwiPost is amazing. Unlike our post office which only does mail, Kiwi Post also has a bank, you can get your tax id number, pay bills,renew your drivers license ect. all in one place. Very nifty. However at the same time it can make the lines tremendous if some one like me for example goes in and wants a tax id , po box, and mailing info all at once and it takes 30 min. Makes it even longer when there are 3 groups of people trying to do that (which there were).

I'm really excited about the prospect of a new apartment too. I miss having my own place. I think at first I'll get an apartment with roommates. Firstly It's obviously much cheeper than a place by myself and secondly since I only know 5 people in Palmerston North it'll be nice to have people to talk to. If the job works out (which I really hope it does) I'll probably get my own place off by myself. Perhaps get a cat. Or plant. Big fan of plants.

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