Monday, October 4, 2010

New World Grocery & Library

Todays journey started earlier than this past weeks as I am working to acclimate myself back to the work schedule of early mornings and early nights. I'm finding it difficult as it is still early spring so the early morning cold isn't nearly as inviting as my warm bed especially when I really don't have to be anywhere in particular. My newest motivation to get up and out of bed is actually to work out since I need to get into proper shape anyhow and it warms me up even better than a shower. Got to get past the whole 'round' being a shape thing. Riding the bus early in the morning around 9 is actually quite nice since all the work rush is gone and the moms don't have their kids really ready yet to go out for the day yet. That and the teenagers aren't out either like they are in the afternoon although they really aren't as big as a problem as the moms. There were some teen moms and they are a bit loud even over ear buds so I think "what would Spock do" and smile to myself all the way home.

'New World Grocery' is much better than the 'Countdown' and 'FourSquare' stores I have been going to. They seem to have a larger selection of stuff I can eat plus the prices are lower. I thought I had kinda gotten over being a picky eater however after moving to New Zealand I have decided instead that after 16 I was pretty much able to get whatever food I wanted and so I've been eating a rather limited (in retrospect) food selection for the past few years. And so the result of that has been me going to a new grocery store every few days, staring hungrily at the food on the shelves chewing on my lip looking forlorn and then leaving with apples and bananas. The discovery of NWG has brought hope for my search today so hopefully I can find some things I like. They even have Dr. Pepper. The only thing they didn't have that I was keen to get was Lemon juice however when I got home frustrated I was washing dishes and stared at this obviously yellow Lemon tree we have in the backyard.*Face palm

The Library here is also quite nice. The only downside is you have to pay to rent non educational DVD's, CDs, and Xbox games but that's kind of ok. They do have a pretty large selection and so I walked out today with a couple cooking books to try to expand my knowledge. We'll see how well that goes.

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