Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mall in Palmy

The Mall here in Palmy is kinda small compared to the galleria however since it is full of stores I literally have never seen before it's kinda nice. Also, the majority of the stores are for women ages 19-30 so I've got a broad selection of clothing to choose from. It's an added bonus I was not anticipating. I am still wearing some clothes from high school and am beyond ready to graduate from my frumpy blue jean and t-shirt stage to something a little bit more feminine on some occasions. I'll always have ripped jeans and chuck t's but sometimes it's nice to dress nice. So since some of you girls have been asking I've posted pics of what's going on in NZ fasion. Ohh also, interesting fact, it is illegal in the mall for the people at the kiosks to hunt you down to try their products. That doesn't stop the ones on commission but at least it's not as bad as the galleria. Just a fun fact.

For the larger and curvier ladies they have all sizes

Cute business wear and the black dress on the left is stunning

I'm going to buy the dress on the right with my first pay check because it is awesome

thought of you sadie with these crazy patterned tights

a store that sells nothing but different types of chocolate, including dipping for you to eat there

EB Games is conveniently located in the food court next to McDonalds and some Sushi. win win sophia

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