Saturday, October 2, 2010

New People

Yesterday I spent some time hanging out with Beck and her friend John. Beck is my roommate who is a nursing student at the Uni who I really haven't seen much of or really talked to. She seems a lot like me in that when she gets home she really doesn't want to deal with anyone so I give her the living room to herself during the week and if I go in for food she retreats to her bedroom to let me have it. It works for us. John is an Egyptian living here in NZ and is in his final years at Veterinary school. I think he's getting a teaching degree of sorts because his goal isn't to practice but to teach. He seems to be a huge nerd as we got into the typical mac vs. windows argument and a discussion on the processors available on cell phones and how the   industry is about to explode with open processors since everyone but windows uses some ATF? processor.  It was much more fun to discuss firefly, farscape, and star trek but that's a personal preference. Also got into discussing curses on ancient tombs which was fun. The 3 of us went for a walk along a local river and to a duck park near Massey Uni. where they thought it was a good idea to hand feed swans and so when they began hissing I was standing about 5 feet behind them saying 'see'. Baby ducks were cute and they don't hiss. just sayin'.

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