Monday, January 24, 2011

Christmas mail!

What a wonderful surprise to come home and have so many cards from everyone! I still have a package to pickup tomorrow (today is a holiday so the post shop is not open) and I am excited to see what that is too. I have posed a few below, I also received some while in the states but I have left off ones with pictures of family and with peoples names on them to preserve their privacy. Thank you everyone!
Wishing me a very Merry Christmas and New Year plus congrats on the new job!
>hugs< to a friend

Sending me a smile and support - Thanks Mom

A Merry Christmas and much encouragement - Thanks Aunt Jean

A update and support -Thanks Mrs Jean

A Merry Christmas and teasing - <3 friend

A Merry Christmas and updates - Thanks Janna

A Merry Christmas with love and package! - Thanks Aunt Barbara and Uncle Buddy

A Merry Christmas and photos - Thanks Arkansas Friends!

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