Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Glory Days

Recently I've been reading a lot of work by a writer named Chris Guillebeau. I stumbled upon his work by sheer happenstance and a series of bloggers i linked thru from a yahoo news article before I left on this amazing trip to New Zealand. While it is still early in our 'reading relationship' I can already tell that his philosophy of life and writing is going to have an impact on my own journey.

One of the chapters in The Art of Non Conformity Chris addresses how dangerous success can be in the creation of Glory Days and how one instance in our life defines us and shapes us in such a way that it becomes the foundation of our identity. Every time we talk we can relate back to that moment and by God everyone else will know it too. Sometimes we do this until others can repeat along and are completely sick of spending time with us.

I know that I at times am completely guilty of this. Reminiscing stories of favorite times with friends or working with youth on trips creating a song like a worn out recording. My newest story is of course the one I am blogging about right now; graduating college, selling a lot of my junk, cutting my hair to buy a one way plane ticket and flying halfway across the world to a country i have only read about to interview for a job I  may or may not get. While this is an amazing story, no one really needs to hear it more than once.

So now the question is what is next? How to move past the 'Glory Days' and create something new , challenging , and better. How do I 'one up' myself?

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