Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Goals of 2011

Personally I am not a large fan of new years resolutions. Instead I prefer to view the new year as a marker from short to medium length goals. Short term goals compress into a month. mid and medium goals fit in a few to several months. Long term goals for me are something that take years for me. Some of you may or may not know my goals from last year (see right) and with a few exceptions I completed the majority of the list and the remainders either became irrelevant to my living situation ( like learning Spanish) and have been re-catorgarised under good to know vs important.

For me moving out of the dorm and into my first apartment was a big deal. I enjoy my freedom immensely plus at the end of the day it actually cost less money than a dorm and student loan. Graduating college, paying off debt, job, working out, spending time with family, and dancing are pretty self explanatory. Moving to New Zealand was a off the wall move I'll admit but it's the consummation of a long term goal I decided on while 16 sitting at my desk one Alabama summer. Spelunking is more of a wow that just looks like fun so we are adding it. As for needles, well I have now gotten to the point where I can voluntarily give blood. That is a huge step. It is now fair to specify that I am not afraid of needles but afraid of syringes.

And so the tally for this year begins as follows:

Goals for 2011:
- work on learning Spanish
- get over fear of syringes
- go spelunking
- be completely debt free
- learn basics of drums
- create more artwork
- learn more about html and css to the point I can build web pages properly
- visit another country (again) or better explore the south island of NZ

Just as important to me as what to do with this year is what NOT to do with this year since it consumes valuable time and resources that could be spent more productively.

Not-To-Do list 2011:
- World of Warcraft
- more than an hour of tv or one movie per day
- waste money on things vs experiences
- nothing

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