Monday, November 8, 2010


Friday night after work is pretty much when the weekend starts for me. By then, all of us at Loudhailer are completely dragging from mental exhaustion brought on by clients with their last minute before the weekend design emergencies that really aren't as important as they would like to believe. So the girls and I loosened it up with a fun game of Munchkin, which if you don't know is a nice geeky board game of fun. I lost both games but it was still a blast. It was actually nice that Jess won since she hasn't won any game we have played since my arrival.

Saturday started off by calling the folks and chatting with them for a bit, completely obliterating my data cap for the rest of the month. The rest of Saturday and Sunday was pretty lazy. Sunday night I spent out with Rachel at the movies watching "Red" which was fantastic. more later! time to go

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