Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from New Zealand!

I baked a pecan pie substituting 2 ingredients, made corn syrup and a shell, but hey it tastes ok... even if it doesn't look too good. Silvia is here this week, the German girl I spent so much time with up north and she says it looks like ham. 
Had to mix the biscuits in a wok but it all tastes good! licking my fingers clean of biscuit batter and smelling pecans is the closest i've been to home in a while. nom nom nom :D Taking it to work and hope they like 'em too!
Happy Thanksgiving!

P.S. No they do not have Thanksgiving in New Zealand. The Pilgrims did not land here and eat corn or kiwi fruit in the summertime with the polynesian islanders. Nor do we in the states celebrate boxing day or the Queen's birthday

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