Sunday, November 28, 2010


I have experienced my first earthquake in New Zealand or ever as far as i know. Apparently there have been a few since my arrival but they were small enough for me not to notice ect. This one measured 4.3 on the Richter scale and was located 10km north of Eketahuna, at a depth of 40 km. No worries, it was just a curiosity that I could barely feel. I was napping upstairs

Richter scale #Description
0 - 4.3Vibrations are recorded by instruments
People at rest upstairs notice shaking
Shaking felt indoors; hanging objects swing
4.3 - 4.8Dishes rattle; standing cars rock; trees shake
Doors swing; liquid spills from glasses; sleepers awake
4.8 - 6.2People walk unsteadily; windows break; pictures fall off walls
Difficult to stand; plaster,bricks, and tiles fall; large bells ring
6.2 - 7.3Car steering affected; chimneys fall; branches break; cracks in wet ground
General panic; damage to foundations; sand and mud bubble from ground
Most buildings destroyed; large landslides; water thrown out of rivers
7.3 - 8.9Railway tracks bend; roads break up; large cracks appear in ground; rocks fall
Total destruction; "waves" seen on ground surface; river courses altered; vision distorted

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