Monday, June 27, 2011

Birthday fun!

So for my birthday on Saturday I road tripped with Rachel and her sister Amy up to Gravity Canyon. All 3 of us opted to do the flying fox which is 175 meters or about 574 feet above the 'river'  from the launch pad. You harness up and go about half a mile on the zip-line. It's like a super awesome roller coaster at 160kph or 100mph!!
Amy the photobomber

downside you have to walk up the stair of mordor to get to said fox

we are this high up. see that building at the corner of the deck? that's where we started from

me and rachel

Flying Fox!

Next Amy and I got on the bridge swing which is 50m or 164 feet of freefall on NZ's highest bridge swing.


  1. That's awesome. I mean, it's terrifying and I would never do it because I am a coward, but awesome.

    I love the video! haha.

  2. How cool!!! You KNOW I'd be there with you if I could!! Especially for the Bridge Swing ride. That is incredible. So glad you had a fun birthday spent with friends. HATE you didn't get our card/gift when we sent it more than 2 wks ahead of time. :~(

    I can't get it to post my comments under "Google account" for some reason. Just keeps going back to Sign in page when I'm already signed in. Will try to post this as Annonomous and see if it goes. Aunt Barbara

  3. Saw on Help page where LOADS of people are suddenly having issues posting comments. Went through all the steps they recommended and posting this to see if I can get it to work under my google name instead of only as "annonymous

  4. yea, I scratched that off the bucket list and will probably never do it again
