Wednesday, June 22, 2011


It's been a long time since I wrote so this is far past due and I hope to update many more posts soon and post them as well with my adventures.

Things at work have been great, I feel like i am finally getting my feet under me and can do my job well. :D I still enjoy my job and there is rarely a day i don't enjoy getting up and going to work. Those days are usually accompanied by frost and rainy wind as it's winter time here. it's just not fun to walk in. seems all that conditioning I did in college is paying off.

I did buy a scooter but it's been the baine of my existence since February and let's suffice to say that it doesn't work. There are days when i really miss my dad and the ability to take something to him and say 'fix it and i'll cook you whatever you want'. This is one of them. On the upside I believe I have finally located the last part and am hopefully getting it in the next few days so maybe with a little luck it'll be up and running by next week. Fingers crossed.

Monday night is Catan night, a board game that I love and brought with me from the US to share with the girls at work since they liked the card games I brought. We ended up having to make an event of it; I think Rachel's partner (Mark) was getting sick of me being at their house all the time ;). This way we have our game night as he has his rugby nights ect. Since they have a 1yr son the kind of have to balance nights out. Other nights I come home and read or work on personal projects. Sometimes I call home to friends because they work night shifts and they are the only people I know up at 3-4am.

Hope everyone else out there is having a good one!

Many hugs and much love!

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