Monday, June 6, 2011

3 Day weekend

This weekend was a 3 day weekend for me as the Queens Birthday is celebrated/observed the first monday of June here. With paid leave, I'll say "God Save the Queen". Most of this weekend was spent reading and catching up on mundane things such as laundry and cleaning. I got not of my goals for the day accomplished except clean the living room which is 1/3 of the goal of clean the apt! Ah a lazy Monday is something I needed more.

I need to finish reading these library books on photography and take them back so I can check out more on web design. I considered getting or signing up for web design courses but have decided against it. In this day in age with so much free information and the lack of a certification needed to do the work I'll just copy a syllabus from a college and do the work on my own time. I foresee me scheduling myself around a faux class schedule.. hmm yes..

I big hearty wave to all!

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