Thursday, August 26, 2010

Phone Home

Making plans to be able to call home/being able to call at all has been an adventure in it's self. Firstly AT&T charges an arm and a leg for international calling and data. Essentially if I kept my current plan it would be more than $150 per month which is crazy especially because I don't even talk on the phone that much.

So now I have devised a clever plan. I have an international sim card (ISC) which allows for me not to pay for any incoming calls and a skype mobile calling account that allows me to call any landline in NZ and any landline and cell phone in the US under a $11 per month plan. $11 a month whoot! That's less than the netflix subscription I'm about to have to cancel. One flaw. I have to have an internet connection to use the skype so hopefully I can be in an area with free wifi ect. If not I can call with my ISC but it'll cost me. I'll probably sign up for mobile wifi with Vodfone after I get over there and with my Skype it wont cost me more than what I am paying here. And I said that's good. One less thing

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