Saturday, August 28, 2010

Minimalist Lifestyle Part 2

I was lucky enough yesterday to spend half the day with a friend that I have known for literally half my life and to my knowledge, the only person yet to read this blog. Mostly that is my own doing. I haven't publicized on purpose, wanting to wait until I am underway and have far more interesting content than "I surfed the web for 8 hours and found 2 really cool hostels and that they have glow worms in New Zealand".

Her question of interest was on my post on minimalist lifestyles so I will expand my findings...

Recently I stumbled across a blog site called "RowdyKittens" ( which is completely devoted to simple living. Getting rid of all the crap you don't need (that us graphic designers sell I may add) and just living life. It is better if you go thru her site it's self as I don't do it justice. I also found thru her site and others "Man Vs.Debt" ( and my now personal favorite "The Art of Non-Conformity" (

I believe that based on the writings of the first too that I am going to give simple living a shot and live with 100 personal items or less once I get to New Zealand. Since I am packing my things next week I can make my list as I go and this will simplify the process. I'm still unsure how to do things such as books (list of books = many items vs library=many books count as 1). I'll probably lay down some ground rules first.

Best of Luck to all , I'm off to read more blogs!

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