Monday, August 30, 2010

SIM Card

Well it looks like I get to call home after all! SIM card came in the mail the other day while I was out. Makes the whole trip feel more...real.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Look Out!

Look Out New Zealand! I have an International Drivers Permit!!

I did this just in case I needed to rent a car and so I can used it as an official form of identification where needed. Social Security cards are no bueno for that over there.

I am much more concerned with this whole driving on the other side of the road bid. I'm reading up on it before I go but somehow I don't think it's going to be enough. If I'm lucky I won't drive at all while I'm there but I have learned to trust nothing to luck or the future. It's better to make your own luck thru hard work and preparation if at all possible and then if you do get lucky it's just a bonus.

A Week To Go!

One week to go! So much to do with packing and such!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Goodbye Birmingham

View from Vulcan Trail on Red Mountain
Walked Vulcan trail today, my way of saying bye to the city which has been my home for these past few years.

Let the problems begin

I am not naive enough to believe that there will be no problems on my trip. Rather I am enthusiastic that the loss of my international sim card is currently my smallest and completely fixable problem.

I ordered the sim card some time ago, giving 2.5 weeks of shipping time just in case but it seems that the package was lost by UPS. Either that or not shipped since it just shows billing info received. However it seems as tho the company I ordered from is going to take care of it but since I now leave in a week (A WEEK TO New Zealand!!!) I'm a little more stressed about the whole affair.

Minimalist Lifestyle Part 2

I was lucky enough yesterday to spend half the day with a friend that I have known for literally half my life and to my knowledge, the only person yet to read this blog. Mostly that is my own doing. I haven't publicized on purpose, wanting to wait until I am underway and have far more interesting content than "I surfed the web for 8 hours and found 2 really cool hostels and that they have glow worms in New Zealand".

Her question of interest was on my post on minimalist lifestyles so I will expand my findings...

Recently I stumbled across a blog site called "RowdyKittens" ( which is completely devoted to simple living. Getting rid of all the crap you don't need (that us graphic designers sell I may add) and just living life. It is better if you go thru her site it's self as I don't do it justice. I also found thru her site and others "Man Vs.Debt" ( and my now personal favorite "The Art of Non-Conformity" (

I believe that based on the writings of the first too that I am going to give simple living a shot and live with 100 personal items or less once I get to New Zealand. Since I am packing my things next week I can make my list as I go and this will simplify the process. I'm still unsure how to do things such as books (list of books = many items vs library=many books count as 1). I'll probably lay down some ground rules first.

Best of Luck to all , I'm off to read more blogs!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Phone Home

Making plans to be able to call home/being able to call at all has been an adventure in it's self. Firstly AT&T charges an arm and a leg for international calling and data. Essentially if I kept my current plan it would be more than $150 per month which is crazy especially because I don't even talk on the phone that much.

So now I have devised a clever plan. I have an international sim card (ISC) which allows for me not to pay for any incoming calls and a skype mobile calling account that allows me to call any landline in NZ and any landline and cell phone in the US under a $11 per month plan. $11 a month whoot! That's less than the netflix subscription I'm about to have to cancel. One flaw. I have to have an internet connection to use the skype so hopefully I can be in an area with free wifi ect. If not I can call with my ISC but it'll cost me. I'll probably sign up for mobile wifi with Vodfone after I get over there and with my Skype it wont cost me more than what I am paying here. And I said that's good. One less thing

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Alternative Places to Stay

I have also been invited to stay at The River House north of Auckland. As part of living there for room and food, I will be required to work about the place for about 4 hours a day. This could include cleaning, cooking or gardening. I haven't emailed them back yet to confirm since I have business in Palmerston North now shortly after arrival. That and i cant find a bus stop to this remote little location. We will see.

Their website is :

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I did get some responses to my CouchSurfing mail. We'll see how well that works. I want to get it knocked out ASAP so I can plan to rent a car or bike so that I can get to some spots on time!

I can't believe this is really happening . That I am really getting to go. That I will be on the other side of the world going to different cities. I am so excited and scared that I feel that my heart is about to burst

Monday, August 23, 2010

Begin the CouchSurf

I have just over $2,000 to fund this trip which after exchange rates will be closer to 3. In an effort to save money I have been looking into hostels and my personal favorite: couch surfing. Now for those of you who may or may not know, couch surfing is where one finds some ones couch to sleep on for free. That simple. I've been a member of for at least a year now but this will be my first experience. CouchSurfing is a great worldwide network for making connections between travelers and the local communities they visit.

I'm sure most of you are worried about safety and security but I could also get hit by a bus, mugged on the street, be in a plane crash, or attacked by a killer penguin. It'll be ok.

I just sent out a few messages to some people in a lovely place called Palmerston North. I haven't been able to find a cheep hostel there. Most of them are running about $40 a night at which point I could just about get a proper hotel. It's really not that much but it's only $12 in Auckland, the country's biggest city and only $25 to take an 8 hour bus from Auckland to Palmerston North. We'll just have to see how it turns out!

Minimalist Lifestyle

I'm really starting to get into reading blogs on Minimalist Lifestyles.
They are right. You don't need a big house or car to make you happy. I don't need that extra video game or movie, it just sucks hours of my life.
I'll post more when i know more!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kiwi Monies

I just found this kind of neat. I like that they have men and women on their money. I also like that they have the Queen on their money. It reminds me of this joke on House.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Job Searching Continues

Today I applied for over 25 jobs! Whoot!

I've had to expand my search outside of Graphic Design, I think it would be better to apply for those in person than online. Still working on getting that portfolio just right, which will probably never happen. But that's for the best, if I'm ever satisfied I know that's when I'm done and need to look for a new career.

I have started applying in customer service jobs just to get me on my feet. Perhaps I could do design free-lance or part-time. I believe I would enjoy it more that way since it would feel more like a reward than an job.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Official Travel Date

So my official travel date is now September 4th with an arrival of September 6th!