Friday, July 22, 2011

A year ago today

Hard to believe but a year ago today it was a warm and sunny summer afternoon in Alabama for me. I had hair that was long, super curly, and always in the way basically because I had no time to care for it or even the desire to wear it town in the blistering heat. Let's face it, AL humidity and summer are just too much to wear your hair down. I was working at Outdoor Distributors; a dead end, low paying job that I was thankful to have just because I knew it was hard to get work in the small town for such a short time period. I was planning on leaving for NZ in less than 3 months and even tho I had been stashing money away in a savings account since my 16th birthday and first job at the Piggly Wiggly (even in college) it would still be nice to have some extra cash for my trip. So I sold my hair for a nice sum that covered the cost of my plane ticket and some of my pre travel medical expenses (that I ended up not needing but I digress).

my rockin new pixi at matt's apt one year ago
Now I am working in Palmerston North, New Zealand as a graphic designer with a great group of people! Sweet As!

hair today after many hair cuts to keep it from growing all wonky!

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Settlers of Catan

The Settlers of Catan or "catan" is classified as a geeky board game but it's really just an awesome strategy game that me and the girls from work + Becks have taken to playing every Monday night in my new flat. It's fun to have a girlie game night <3 of card throwing, name calling, and cut throat strategy.

Becks wins!

The Game: Players assume the role of settlers on the game board, each attempting to build and develop their settlement while trading and acquiring resources. Players are rewarded points as their settlements grow; the first to reach a set number of points is the winner. Simple enough right? Except the board changes every game, dice determine resources produced and plays decide wither or not they want to trade with you which can sometimes be based on if you stole their cookies while they weren't looking rather than strategic game play.

This is the expanded version, normally there aren't that many cards. We had to move it to the conference table to accommodate the scale

board close to end game... this may have been end game, I dunno but I won anyhow (white)! Go Becks with longest road (orange)

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Let's face it, I'm nerdy enough to care about different cover art here in New Zealand. Also some of the copy is different since it's the UK version aka the original version. 

My favorite example is that in HP:and the Sorcerer's Stone, Dudly's new favorite word is "NO!".
In HP:and the Philosopher's Stone, his new favorite word is "shan't!"

traditional cover

traditional cover

<3 cs lewis too! 

traditional cover

traditional cover

ooh the dark mark!

adult cover versions?

adult cover version?

and this one is just funny

Friday, July 8, 2011

Late Birthday Presents!!

Some friends of mine from Birmingham sent me birthday presents that arrived today!!! Whoot!

Oh boy boxes

A new Dr Pepper shirt!!

<3 brownies, dipping chocolate, blistex (oh how i need it!), new seasons of Bones, House, NCIS, and ST:DS9!!

and finally an awesome new Catan expansion pack!

Monday, July 4, 2011


went out to a cafe and saw this, you know what? I did tip ;)

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July back home! Really wish I was there to celebrate with everyone! I wanted to decorate at work but I couldn't find any suitable decorations. :(
Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness to all!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Halfway point

Half way thru 2011 already so let's review. This years goals included the following:

Goals for 2011:
- work on learning Spanish
- get over fear of syringes
- go spelunking
- be completely debt free
- learn basics of drums
- create more artwork
- learn more about html and css to the point I can build web pages properly
- visit another country (again) or better explore the south island of NZ

Just as important to me as what to do with this year is what NOT to do with this year since it consumes valuable time and resources that could be spent more productively.

Not-To-Do list 2011:
- World of Warcraft
- more than an hour of tv or one movie per day
- waste money on things vs experiences
- nothing

So far most everything is in process which is good. Spanish is still trying my nerves as always. I have not encountered syringes and I don't see living debt free anytime soon. Apparently I had more on student loans then I thought so that'll be a longer term goal now. As for drums, well I just don't have time for that now as I'm working more toward free lancing than skill improvement. Visit mexico may happen... we shall see.

Eragon, the Inheritance Cycle

A sorta long time ago in a library far far away from here on a hot summers day I stumbled thru the juvenile section in Columbiana's tiny little library. Most of the books they have are for very small children, murder mystery, and some limited other works so the selection was rather slim. On a whim I picked up a sturdy blue book called Eragon by Christopher Paolini which was about a boy who lived in a differnet land of magic and had found the last dragons egg and became a dragon rider. I know that doesn't sound mindblowing but after reading it it certainly was fantastic entertainment! Lucky for me the second book had been released that summer and so I read it too. Christopher Paolini was 16 when he wrote them.

Fast forward 3 years and we now have the release of the 3rd book in the trilogy. but wait! what is this? there are to be four books!? Excited and disappointed by my lack of conclusion I enjoyed the 3rd book, even scoring a autographed copy for my proud personal library. I stayed up for two days reading until I had devoured it all. Like all my favorite treasures the pages are stained with spaghetti sauce and melted chocolate and the books fall open to the pages that I read most often. Sadly the 3rd book left us at a terrible cliff hanger, the fate of all our favorite characters will be determined soon, our hero's best help has been killed and his best friend has turned into his worst enemy's pawn.

Oh Christopher Paolini why the torment of the wait for the 4th book? Instead he published a guide to AlagaĆ©sia which was a complete waste of my time. I saw it just last week in the bookstore and I stood there muttering curses to Paolini "oh chris, why do you waste my time with this crap? Can't you pen us the conclusion to this epic 6 year quest? It was only suppose to be 3 books anyways. Rowling produced a novel a year for 3 years until she made us wait for two and then surprised us with books 3x's the size of the old. AND then produced them regularly.  Let's face it Chris, you are not that awesome and cannot afford my patience in this matter. jerk."

Well apparently, it wasn't just the passing shoppers that heard me and gave me funny looks because today when I was in the bookstore I saw the note. THE NOTE! Book 4 due in November!!

Now every book has a different colour (blue,red,gold,& now green) and I would just like to state for the record to any that may care that I totally called green for the next cover! Told you so! Also I'm going to gamble a new rider, the last egg is green, and that Arya is that dragons rider. Green dragon becomes Saphira's made as Eragon and Arya become a couple and they fly off into the sunset after saving the world. We'll see Nov. 9th!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Spider Gah!

New Zealand may be a small country, a spit on the bottom of the world but their spiders are freakin' huge!! Only with the power of the vacuum cleaner was I able to defeat the beast! Welcome to Mordor!