Sunday, July 3, 2011

Halfway point

Half way thru 2011 already so let's review. This years goals included the following:

Goals for 2011:
- work on learning Spanish
- get over fear of syringes
- go spelunking
- be completely debt free
- learn basics of drums
- create more artwork
- learn more about html and css to the point I can build web pages properly
- visit another country (again) or better explore the south island of NZ

Just as important to me as what to do with this year is what NOT to do with this year since it consumes valuable time and resources that could be spent more productively.

Not-To-Do list 2011:
- World of Warcraft
- more than an hour of tv or one movie per day
- waste money on things vs experiences
- nothing

So far most everything is in process which is good. Spanish is still trying my nerves as always. I have not encountered syringes and I don't see living debt free anytime soon. Apparently I had more on student loans then I thought so that'll be a longer term goal now. As for drums, well I just don't have time for that now as I'm working more toward free lancing than skill improvement. Visit mexico may happen... we shall see.

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