Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What's Going on

A hot cross bun!

Things got crazy here at work in the past week with everyones deadline coming up at once. We were closed Good Friday and Easter Monday so two short weeks in a row at such a tight time only made it worse. I had to spend my days off recovering from 12 hour days. It's almost 9pm now and I only just got home! Ah! But today is the last day of all that shenanigans so the next few days no matter how crazy will seem so placid compared to the last week.

Even with all the crazy my workmates are a blast. We ended up doing an ABBA sing-a-long tonight after hours  which was horribly awful and tons of fun. Cinco de Mayo is coming up and now that I have a key to the office I think I'm gonna decorate it on the 4th and make enchiladas for everyone, just to make it fun. Another girl's birthday is coming up soon also and she loves Alice in Wonderland so we are collecting miss-matched tea sets for her un-birthday party which will be fun too. 
Todd's Mac Mini Carrot Cake

We recently had Todd's birthday party which was also a blast. Every morning Todd gets everyone's coffee from Cafe Cuba and then comes into work around 9. I'm pretty sure most days he also gets lunch and dinner there too. Since they know him by name I called them early to let the workers know it was his birthday. They sang him songs and gave him lots of free food which was good. When he asked who tipped them off one of the girls replied "I don't know but she had an American accent". Well, he got a kick out of that too. Rachel and I made him a carrot cake from scratch icing and all in the shape of a mac mini for noms. It was amazingly delicious if I do say so myself.

Since I had a four day weekend I had hoped to take a bus down to Wellington and do some major clothes shopping, hit up every Mexican restaurant (I made a list) and Te Papa (the national museum) but it didn't happen. Apparently all the stores were closed as well as my workplace so I rescheduled my bus and hotel for this weekend. Less time but more accomplished. I was/am in desperate need of winter clothing. The cotton gear from the US is not built for this weather and I am sick of freezing to death at my desk. Still need to build up the wardrobe to stay warm here but it's coming along. I'm still used to that good 'ole Alabama weather. Even tho it's not much colder than what it gets in AL and it's not as damp it's still somehow COLDER here that there. I think it's because of the wind and the fact that it's arctic air directly from Antarctica. Remember, there is nothing between here and there for us.

Ah well , will upload pics of what I did get later. Hugs to all!

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