Thursday, April 21, 2011

Holy Cow what is it?!

Walked into work this morning very early and after turning on the lights decided to go into the kitchen and warm up my breakfast before starting the day. That is where i found this huge bugger that was about 1.5" tall and 2" long crawling his way across the carpet. I promptly screamed "WHAT IS IT?!" and ran into the other room, turning running back into the kitchen and grabbed a glass to trap it. When Jess came in about 10 min later I had completely forgotten about it but I could hear her laughing from the kitchen. She informed me that it is a Weta bug and actually quite a small one. Apparently (according to wikipedia) there is some sort of Giant Weta and 'people' like them as 'pets'. Crazies. ;)

We put the weta outside and Jess took this pic (where he looks much less scary) for a job where she needed a pic of a weta. It worked out great for her!

Giant Weta - Note: I pulled this off the web for an example. Mine was not this big nor have I seen one this big

Anyhow, we put it outside and within 5 min it had already worked it's way back under our door but became sluggish. We prodded it a bit and thought it dead after squishing itself but I put a glass on it to be sure. 5 min later the thing was trying to escape again so we took it back outside for more picks before leaving it in the rose bushes. We named him Jesús

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