Monday, December 13, 2010

Graphic Design

Recently I had a friend send me an email. Thought I would share:

Hey Natalie, I am thinking of getting a second degree in graphic design. Can I ask how you got involved in that at UAB and what are the introductory courses like?

ok at uab i think they are pushing graphic design to be a bfa only major. what this means is you are required 128 hours studio plus a art history minor. you will have portfolio reviews every semester and a gallery exhibition upon graduation. you must have a b or better in every studio class or you will have to retake it.

you'll have classes on your computer software as well as design. design studios will own you life. for every hour you spend in class (3hours) you spend 5-9 outside of class. seriously. if you don't you will fail. if there are 20 people in a class, about 2-3 will get a's 7-10 bs, and the rest are failing. you cannot pass a studio in bfa with a c average. you will learn typography, print layout, editorial layout, packaging design, interactive space, wayfinding, some flash and web design,ect. it's a very well rounded program. we are lucky at uab to have a great/fantastic teacher

you will have to buy a few books at the beginning but they can be used all 4-5 years. big expense is paper and supplies. i averaged 150$ per month on projects. during busy times like reviews and end of year projects i would spend upwards of $250. If you have a macbook with CS3 or better that's awesome. if not that'll cost you around $7000 or download the software illegally. another student can prob give you a copy. you can also use the computers in the lab but you risk losing your work a lot and you can only work certain hours.

hours: you will never have a weekend again. i worked thru school so that i would graduate with experience. i would be up at 6 for class at 7. lunch was eaten at work followed by night classes till 9pm. all that time in-between is classes and work on campus. homework until midnight. repeat. weekends i would take sat off and work all day sunday but i would buy project supplies sat.

stress: classes are extremely competitive. one girl got shingles on her face. another had a nervous breakdown. some people developed eye twitches. I didn't have a period for 10 months and would gain and loose 10 pounds in a month over stress.

Jobs: there are no graphic design jobs ava in birmingham. period. not the good ones. 20 people graduated with me. i was in the top 4. 2 of all 20 have full time design jobs. 2 have internships. the others still have restaurant jobs or no jobs. the two of us with jobs moved. one works for her dad doing photography and design. i moved to new zealand. problem is a lot of people say 'i want to design' and do horrible design at a low price and kill the market. that's kind of ok. gets rid of horrible clients. but also a lot of people with degrees came out the past few years. that plus the recession means that design studios can hire people with more experience for less money. if you don't graduate with a amazing portfolio and experience your degree is worth less than the paper it's printed on.

people: are kick ass awesome.

if you still want to do it rock on. but you had better love it and have thick skin. they will rip you to shreds and laugh. if you suck it up and learn you will get respect and be better for it. if not you'll quit like all the other newbies.
best o luck

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