Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Quit Blog

Ok guys, the time has come the walrus said, to speak of many things.
It's kind of a hassle to have a blog. I don't like the extra work in it as it basically eats a few hours of my precious weekend to fill it with information that i already have on Facebook. Until further notice, most everything will be posted to my facebook as it does a better job of organizing everything and is just easier to use in general. If I take off globe trotting again I may choose to continue the blog but honestly with facebooks new layout I doubt it's necessary. Thoughts?

Well I did quit blogging. Facebook's timeline can do a lot of this for me but since I'm going public with my love affair with vintage airstreams and my personal blog mostly related to travel anyways, I've decided to combine the two. A few of my friends do not have Facebook so this is a good way to keep in touch with them as well as continue to share my own explorations.

You can now find me at

Happy Travels

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