Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Only Tuesday

It may be only Tuesday here but it feels like the week has already been full on. Some of it comes from a weekend of sleep depravation some because I had 5 'urgent' ads given to me on monday that were also due on monday. In any case I survived but man what a long week already!

This weekend was some good fun as I went to Himatangi Beach with Rachel, Marc and Evan in the caravan. The beach has black sand that stretches out endlessly out of view in either direction of the shore line. There were cars parked along deeper close to the dunes and the ocean was filled with swimmers, kayakers, and small time surfers. There were a few lifeguards on duty to keep watch on the kids in the water while others built small sandcastles. There were dogs barking at waves and people going by on horses. Good times.

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