Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Wish List

By popular request :

A Kindle
On those long 12 hour plane rides my poor little iphone battery just can't hold up to it. Plus the screen and brightness really aren't designed to be read long term. Little knidle batteries last ages and their screens are made for reading plus they weigh less than a book in my backpack. It doesn't need to be super flash, the small one is just fine. I can't imagine needing more than 1,000 books at a time.
Amazon Kindle

A Tripod
I bought a new camera and i could use a small, easy to transport tripod, just something nifty to get me by and steady the camera on a table top. It would be nice to have one that tilts the camera but I can do that with books so no big issue.
Tripods at Best Buy

A SD Cart
I bought a new camera and I could use some 4GB-32GB SD cards. They are 2x's the price in NZ so I haven't bought any. Even a small one would be a big help. :(

Money towards new MacbookPro
The macbook I saved for and bought when I went to Auburn is on it's last leg. After multiple years of abuse via college tote bags, bicycle baskets, over heating and general mistreatment my logic board is failing fast and I could really use a new computer. My dream laptop (I'de prefer desktop but with moving so much) would be about $2,700 but I'm saving to get one that is about $1,600.  It's something I use every day  for work and play.

My ChuckTs are falling apart and so I really need some new converse all star classics. I'm thinking bright red (not maroon) and low tops :) Again something I can't get in New Zealand easily.

Striped socks, esp toe socks. I don't like socks with animals or stuff on them just fun coloured stripes. Normal fun coloured socks would be fun for the summer too.

Please No Candy
Trying to eat healthy. Candy is not healthy. Don't tempt me ;)


  1. if you get a kindle can you share books with people in the US?

  2. i don't know but i doubt we are reading the same things anymore
