Friday, September 30, 2011

Fake Batman goes to Christchurch police

Today in New Zealand:
A fake Batman has marched into Christchurch central police station demanding to know what emergency had triggered the 'bat signal' - white light beaming through the sky.
The caped crusader, dressed in full superhero garb of mask, cape and tights, was insisting that the White Lights of Hope, which commemorate the earthquake anniversary, bear an uncanny resemblance to the bat emblem that flashes through the night sky.
In the comic, it's police commissioner Gordon who orders the call for Batman to come to the rescue, so who better for the Canterbury faux hero to ask for.
'First of all he wanted to speak to the commissioner,' Sergeant Chris Jones told The Press.
'And then he wanted to know what was going on and why he'd been called, because he'd seen the lights in the sky.'
Sgt Jones, who was just clocking on when the hero arrived on Sunday, said he was too 'scrawny' to make a convincing Batman, adding Robin would have to be '6 foot 4 and built like a tank to help him out'.
After a brief chat, the superhero, who was being filmed by a friend, made a quick exit, leaving the officers chuckling.
'Contrary to popular belief, the police still have a sense of humour,' Sgt Jones said

Monday, September 26, 2011


Well they stock Maseca now at the New World (grocery store) here in town so I am finally able to make my own mexican food including Empanadas which are amazing! Sadly I still cannot get Mexican cheese to go with them but I'll live. El Gusto Mexican Canteen has also opened up in town which I have started to go to every thursday before Catan. They have something new I haven't had before called Sangria which is a truly delicious punch that has oranges,wine, some other stuff and tequila. soo good! Well off to work I go!

Spring Forward!

Notice: NZ time is now one hour a head. so if it's 12 pm my time, it's now 6pm your time :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Since my old scooter is still in bits needing one teenie weenie part; I opted to buy a new scoot!

my sad old scooter
My new scooter needs some love from a paint job and some cleaning up but it runs good! It's a PGO Comet. Kind of like a Comet 260. It's not in the same league as a Nimbus and is commonly passed by butterflies but it's still a scooter!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Remember

Sept. 11, 2001

Ten years ago today I was a freshman in high school. It was still warm but I wore blue jeans and a t-shirt to school instead of shorts because the rooms were too cold with the air conditioning. I had band practice that afternoon and we were hashing out a new set for the game. My first class was Biology with Mrs. Gurosky and I sat in the middle of the row on the far end of the room. We were talking when the principal came over the PA system and this little brown box told us that a plane had hit one of the world trade towers. I thought it was an accident. To be honest, I didn't even know what the towers were although I had seen them on tv. Within minutes a second announcement told us both towers had been hit.

The rest of the day in every class was spent on the edge of our seats. Some teachers told us it was the beginning of a war. Others told us not to worry. Girls cried because they feared their boyfriends would be called to a draft. Some used cell phones in the bathrooms trying to call family in New York. I worried about my aunts friends. I feared war.

Silent students sat in front of televisions showing the news. It was improbable to believe as the destruction looked like a film. Like it could not be real, except that it was real. Real enough it would define the world my generation grew up in, real enough to change everything.

Where were you?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

A Year Ago Today

A year ago today I had 3 plane tickets. The first plane ticket took me on my first flight; I had never flown or been in an airplane and it was wonderful. The second ticket took me to LA, the furthest west I had ever been to a state I never thought I would see in a city I never dreamed I would visit. The third ticket took me to New Zealand. The first country I had ever visited and a world of excitement. 

I had packed my life into four small bags for the journey. In retrospect I could have fit it in one but then again this is what I was allowed to carry so I did. All I really need is chuck t's, blue jeans, a dr pepper shirt and macbook. 

I said goodbye to the family and mexican food and greeted a great adventure.

Me and my sis

Me and the family. We love Auburn if you can't tell

Sis, Dad, Me
Now I live in New Zealand and love it. I host couch surfers from Australia, Germany, Russia, and God knows where else in my flat. I work at rockin little Design Studio and design everything from Magazines to displays.

 I freeze my butt off in winter but love traveling to crazy places.

And of course have weekly 'parties' with friends. It's a good year.