Saturday, May 21, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011


Monday, May 16, 2011

Getting Colder Here

The weather is getting colder here as winter is officially in full swing. It has been for a while but like everything else on the island it can be rather unpredictable, even more so than anything I've ever experienced in Alabama. I managed to pick up a lot more wool clothing to deal with the shift and also I find myself simply acclimating to the weather which is nice. The wind here has been horrific, literally knocking me off my feet with rain and wind on my walks to work.

I still don't have my scooter fixed yet as Chris has been sick for a few weeks and so I'm waiting on him. No scooter means a 20 min walk to work in said wind which is not amazing but not a huge issue. It's good exercise in any case. Also without a scooter it means I can't go to kung fu class since it is now too far to walk. 

Monday night has become Catan night at my new flat which is my favorite game that the parents got for me a couple of Christmases ago. More about that later but now I have to sleep. Good night all!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Oh Mexican food how I miss thee... Normally I would be out with friends on this occasions enjoying you and margaritas listing to a mariachi band! Not so much in New Zealand...

Today is Cinco de Mayo ( 5th of May) which  is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza SeguĂ­n.  It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the United States. While Cinco de Mayo sees limited significance in Mexico itself, the date is observed nationwide mostly in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride. Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico.

Jess's Birthday

Jess's Birthday was yesterday along with Intergalactic star wars appreciation day on May the Fourth! (may the fourth be with you). We gave her a card with her engagement gifts which consisted of some money toward the wedding and some Reel Time vouchers (Todd's movie rental store). We made her a chocolate cake with cream cheese icing, or rather Rachel did. I just decorated.
Happy Birthday Jess!
This is Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas - that movie you never wanted me to watch mom!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Food and the like

My food quest in Wellington:

In my attempt to find mexican food I went to Arizona restaurant

eh. they were ok.

this was amazing!

this wooden indian was just chillin at the mic

and then I went to the farmers market to get veggies and snacks

where I fond the perfect homemade mexican food <3

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Road Trip to Wellington , New Zealand

Most Pimped out Burger King ever! I believe it's in an old bank building

phone booth

Rail way station:

According to Wikipedia : When completed in 1937 the station was New Zealand’s largest building, partly because it was designed to accommodate 675 head office and district office staff.[2] The land upon which it is built is reclaimed, and it was the first major New Zealand structure to incorporate a significant measure of earthquake resistance. It was constructed by Fletcher Building as one of its first major construction projects. It was designed by New Zealander W. Gray Young, famous for his neo-Georgian styles.
When it opened in 1937, Wellington's two former stations closed, removing the inconvenience of separate stations for the two routes out of Wellington: Lambton (on 19 June), built by New Zealand Government Railways to serve the Wairarapa line; and Thorndon (on 8 June), built by theWellington and Manawatu Railway Company to serve what became the North Island Main Trunkvia Johnsonville.
It has a steel frame encased in reinforced concrete and supported on groups of reinforced concrete piles. Bricks used for the outer cladding are of a special design, with slots to accommodate vertical rods reinforcing the brickwork and binding it to the structural members. It required 1.75 million bricks, plus 1500 tonnes of decorative granite and marble. The station is registered as a Category I Historic Place.[3]
The station was used in a 2009 TV advert in the United Kingdom for a train ticketing company,TheTrainLine, where a large flock of sheep use the station facilities.[4]


Wikipedia: The Parliament was established by the British New Zealand Constitution Act 1852 which established abicameral legislature. This produced a parliament very similar to Britain's, with a lower house, called the General Assembly, and an upper house, called the Legislative Council. The members of the General Assembly were elected under the First Past the Post system, but the members of the Council were appointed. For the most part, the Council rubber-stamped legislation the lower house wished to pass, very rarely playing any notable part in the policy process.
Due to this ineffectiveness, the National government of 1951 abolished the Legislative Council, making New Zealand legislature unicameral. Parliament received full control over all New Zealand affairs in 1947 with the passage of the Statute of Westminster Adoption Act, and the ability to amend its composition with the New Zealand Constitution Amendment Act 1947 (UK). In 1986 a new Constitution Act was passed, restating the 1852 Act's provisions and consolidating the legislation establishing Parliament.

Wellington cenotaph

Wellington cenotaph
It reads: These laid the world away poured out the red sweet wine of youth. Gave up the years to be of work and joy and that unhoped serene that men call age and those who would have been their sons they gave their immortality

Supreme Court of New Zealand. This building was opened on the 18th of Jan 2010 by His Royal Highness Prince William K.G. on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Queen of New Zealand