Friday, March 11, 2011


Fredric, C.D. , Woman Before The Setting Sun

Sometimes I catch myself thinking "oh i wish i had that" or "this isn't good enough" but then I remember people who lived in New Orleans during Katrina, who's homes were washed out beneath their feet with the bodies of the old to be buried by strangers in unmarked graves. Those in Christchurch, who's families were lost for days in fear and who's children cannot stop crying. Most recently Japan who's homes were shook to their foundations as buildings crumbled and tsunami waves broke upon them. I think of these things and say " incredible, I'm grateful for what I have, I am glad to be safe with food in my belly and a warm bed to sleep in tonight". I will try to give thanks for these things, for my strength and life; if you see no reason for giving thanks, then the fault lies in yourself.

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