Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Random Flora and Fauna I have no name for

Evan in the flowers

looks like it belongs in a Dr Seuss book

look like lanterns to me

NZ version of honeysuckle

these remind me of lamps you can get in the states, wonder if the lamps are made of this stuff

apparently these flowers change color depending on the acid levels in the soil, it's how one plant can have red to blue blooms

apparently these flowers change color depending on the acid levels in the soil, it's how one plant can have red to blue blooms

Monday, March 21, 2011

Antique Car Show

This weekend in Palmy there was another random antique car show in the square some lovely cars...

Evan looking so cute

Pullman ambulance

a classic Aston Martin *drool

a classic Aston Martin *drool

Mach 1 for sale!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My first scooter

My first scooter, a Honda Nifty-50 1984 which I bought online. I loved it because I could reach the ground and it was something that just really suited me. A friend picked it up to work on it for me, oil changes and batteries. 

It was stolen along with his grill and a few other items from their house today. Stupid thieves!

Friday, March 18, 2011

150th Post

For my 150th post I wanted to do something special and on the end I decided on something simple; the reason I'm on this trip...

The clock of Life is wound but once
And No man has the power to tell just
When the hand will stop
On what day or hour
Now is the only time you have so live it
With a WILL
Don't wait until tomorrow, the hands
May then be still.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Little Habbits

Most days start out the same for me, get up when Cafe Cuba downstairs opens, grab a shower followed by food from the fridge and then I sit down at my computer to read the morning news. One of my favorite blogs to read is RowdyKittens which focuses on simple living, a concept I wrote about before leaving for New Zealand. It is from her blog that I would like to provide the following post which I really enjoyed:

My Little Habits

I have lots of little habits, but these are a handful of my favorites:
  1. Get-in-the-door ritual. Whenever I get home, the first thing I do is put my stuff away. I have a designated spot for my keys, cash/cards (I don’t use a wallet), phone, and coins. Everything else either gets tossed or put wherever it belongs. If we brought something home like groceries or library books, those get put away, right away. This is an important little ritual because even people who have simplified their homes notice that possessions and junk can build up over time — and that starts with what you bring in. It’s no use simplifying and organizing if it just gets cluttered and disorganized every time you come home.
  2. Put clothes away. It’s so simple, but when I take clothes off, they either go in the hamper or I fold them & put them in my drawer or hang them in the closet. Others drape them over chairs or throw them on the floor or bed, and sorting through them later becomes a major chore. By doing it right away, things stay organized and I don’t have to worry about cleaning up later.
  3. Wash my bowl. When I finish eating, I wash my dishes by hand, mindfully. No mess to clean up later. Read more.
  4. Prepare meals in advance. This is important when I’m trying to stick to an eating plan. Cooking your own meals is the healthiest (and most frugal) choice, but if you have to cook three to six times a day, it’ll get too cumbersome and you’re likely to give up. So I prepare my food in bulk (for 3-6 days in advance), and eat the same meals all week. It’s no harder than cooking smaller meals. I only make food that I adore, so I don’t get bored. It’s super easy to stay on a meal plan this way.
  5. Just step out the door. My motto for exercise. Most people have a hard time with motivation to do workouts, but not me. First of all, I only do workouts I love, so I actually look forward to them. But second, I never think about how I don’t feel like doing a workout — because I tell myself that all I have to do is get on my shoes and get out the door. The rest flows naturally.
  6. Clear distractions. When I’m ready to do a task, I clear all distractions. Small action, huge difference.
  7. Take a walk & reflect. Taking a short walk is such a simple thing to do — you can do it during your lunch break, or take a break when you’ve been working for a couple hours straight. It only needs to be 10-20 minutes. But oh boy, what a world of difference. Not only does the walk relieve stress and clear your head, it gives you an opportunity to reflect on what you’ve been doing, and reflection is one of the most important tools for changing your life.
  8. Breathe. When I get stressed, I simply breathe.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Fredric, C.D. , Woman Before The Setting Sun

Sometimes I catch myself thinking "oh i wish i had that" or "this isn't good enough" but then I remember people who lived in New Orleans during Katrina, who's homes were washed out beneath their feet with the bodies of the old to be buried by strangers in unmarked graves. Those in Christchurch, who's families were lost for days in fear and who's children cannot stop crying. Most recently Japan who's homes were shook to their foundations as buildings crumbled and tsunami waves broke upon them. I think of these things and say " incredible, I'm grateful for what I have, I am glad to be safe with food in my belly and a warm bed to sleep in tonight". I will try to give thanks for these things, for my strength and life; if you see no reason for giving thanks, then the fault lies in yourself.

Martinborough Fair

Last weekend I was invited to join Rachel and her family at a fair close to Wellington, apparently here it's a big annual event filled with all kinds of goodies and fun. They shut down the square of the quaint town of Martinborough and put up acres of vendors with food, arts, jewelry, and just random bits and bobs. Picked up a few items myself which I may post pictures of later when I have the time...

This car was a vendor that sold food, under the hood was drinks in ice, pretty cool

just a cool shirt

tea cups on sticks= Birdfeeders

Our local ride

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my little sister Leslie who is turning 15 today (well yesterday here in New Zealand)

Friday, March 4, 2011


look out for kiwi's of course

I had to ask what this was, after i stopped laughing

I just think this is cute
NZ famous Cape Reinga which I should have gone to while I was in the North Land

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Window Shopping New Zealand Fashion



thought of sadie for some reason

looked fun and comfy

nice shape

lovely detail

Love it

Yea... what's worse? I've seen people in town wearing them!